Friday, December 10, 2010

23 Weeks - Update!

Well I am officially 23 weeks and 2 days today!!!!!!!!  I can't believe we are gonna have a newborn in our home in 17 weeks!  I am beyond excited and can't wait to meet him!!  I never thought pregnancy would go so fast.  Of course I am sure the last 3 months are probably the worst.  I have been truly blessed to have one of the easiests pregnancies in the world.  However, for the last week I have definately been feeling the aches and pains of pregnancy.  Last Friday I started getting severe sharp pains in my left lower back, buttocks and leg.  It was so bad I callapsed in pain and tears a handful of times throughout the week.  I had to take work off for a few days and traveled between the doctor office, physical therapist, and chiropractor.  Needless to say they all had a different opinion so I don't know what the heck is happening.  Its either the SI joint, sciatic nerve, or a torn muscle.  Whatever it is, I had no idea that ligiment exhisted until now!!!  Thankfully they have me on some work restrictions, Ibprofrin to decrease inflamation, a streching and hot/cold pad treatment plan the next couple weeks.  We'll see if it works....I guess.  Until then I will fully enjoy relaxation!  =)

We finished Tristan's room (see pics below!).  I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way the nursery turned out and often find myself sitting in the rocker daydreaming about life with him here.  I am so excited to meet him.  I cannot wait to see what this little miracle looks like.  And as each day goes by I find my self getting more and more anxious.  I have to give Anthony most of the painting credit for the nursery (I did a lot of directing - LOL!), but I take full credit for pulling everything else together =) 

To those who check here often for updates - THANK YOU!  What a great way to keep everyone posted!!  We love you all and please stay in touch!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tristan's Nursery!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Room Design Inspired by these two throw pillows!!!