Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Simple Things.....

I have to blog about last night.  I had so much fun and distinctly remember very specific things throughout the night that reminded me what is truly important in life and how those things should never be forgotten.

Prior to our pregnancy, one of our favorite things to do together was to turn on the country music, pour ourselves a glass of vino, and cook together.  I cannot tell you how much I missed these special bonding nights with Anthony over the last 9 months.

So, last night we decided we completely deserved one of those special nights together.  We turned on the country music, poured ourselves our favorite vino, and cooked these delicious salmon cakes we seen on a tv show earlier that day.  I remember so well the sound of our favorite music in the background,singing along to it while I rocked Tristan in my arms and watched Anthony move around the kitchen so contently while he did one of his favorite things in the world - cook for the two of us. I remember sitting there with our son in my arms, starring into his eyes, adoring his face, and telling myself - don't ever let go of this moment.

We shared special cheers to our new family, chaised each other around the house here and there laughing, I remember walking up behind him while he was cooking, embracing my arms around his waist, and telling him how much I love him and thanking him for our son.  While I was doing the dishes, he came up behind me, kissed my neck softly, said I love you and then walked away as he flirtingly gave my bum a tap and we giggled together.  I remember walking over to Tristan watching him in his bouncy chair, again adoring his precious face and simply still in amazement we created this little guy together one week ago.  Anthony came over by the bouncy chair too and then I stood up and was starring right into daddy's picture.  What an amazing feeling knowing the three most important men in my life where all in my heart and memories last night surrounding me with their love and filling my heart.

I went to sleep so content and happy.  Grasping on to these memories and knowing I must write this moment down and remember it forever.  When life gets so stressful and wearing, oh how these simple things, on a simple night, with my beautiful family remind me how blessed I am and how happy I feel inside.  What an amazing night.  


  1. What perfect timing to stumble across this again! Right where my heart and soul need to be! 143!!

  2. Crazy how ppl change weather it be for the better or worse. But i guess we never said those vowd to eachother

  3. Crazy how ppl change weather it be for the better or worse. But i guess we never said those vowd to eachother
