Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Baby Hennigan!

 12 week NT Scan

13.5 weeks

We have already shared our exciting news with most of you!  However, if we haven't talked to you in a while we are expecting our first little bundle of joy April 6, 2011!!  We found out about the baby in July 2010 - it was a total surprise!  Daddy and his angels must have been watching over me again because I was medically diagnosed with infertility over a year ago.  Much to our surprise, this little miracle came to us completely natural with no fertility drugs!  We were blessed to be able to share the news with his/her older brothers and sister!  Kaleb, Kaiden, and Kailee were with us for the summer and it was so exciting to personally tell them they will have a new baby brother or sister soon.  I won't forget sissy asking, "Is your baby a ggguuurrrlll"?  (I sure hope so darlin' so you can have a little sister!)  Tomorrow I will be 14 weeks and according to everything I have read, I apparently have a 3.5- 4 inch baby bouncing around, making faces, squinting, and peeing inside of me (WHAT!!??)!!!  How exciting, strange and gross all at the same time!  And if you haven't noticed, I can no longer blame this little bump on bloat!  AHHHHH!!!  I have lots to get used to and lots to learn!!  Let the journey begin!

We met in April 2009.  After previously both being married and divorced, neither one of us expected to fall in love again and I am 100% sure neither one of us believed in any truth behind finding your "soulmate".  Getting married again was probably the last thing on our minds and having a family was very far fetched.  It's amazing what time can heal, what having a little faith can do, and being content enough with yourself to let go of the past, will bring to your life.  And it's even more meaningful when you found someone who amazingly helps you believe in it all again and on your first date!  We had that first date April 15, 2009, and have not been apart a days since.  Neither of us thought that day would turn into what it has become.  Fastforward a year and a half later, we were engaged in April 2010, our new little baby is due April 2011, and when we marry, I will become the stepmother to his 3 beautiful children.  Wow, how the course of life can take a major turn - and in my case - a turn for the best because I am truly happy and very content with the life we have begun to build together. I pray everyone we love can experience such a gift!

Our favorite photo together!

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